I've started reading the eHarmz articles posted around the dating profiles, mostly for their comedic value...there was one today about how to make a killer first impression (people decide if they like you in the first 2 seconds blah blah blah) and most were to be expected - don't dress like you're homeless, have good posture, etc. But others were new:
"Move more slowly than usual. People who move fractionally more slowly than others tend to get noticed and come across as sexy. Get into the habit so it becomes natural: otherwise don't bother." I'll be practicing my sloth every night.
"Third, smile with genuine enjoyment. (Here’s a way to do that. Practice saying the word “great” over and over in a mirror using crazy voices until you feel like a giant idiot or you crack up – then say it under your breath to yourself as you approach people. I guarantee you’ll be smiling.) A smile sends a signal that you’re happy and confident." Are there really people out there who need to practice how to smile? And then you have to mumble to yourself like a crazy person? I think I'll stick to thinking of Peyton Manning pegging small children in the back with a football as my go-t0 mental image for a laugh.
This is the picture with the article; I'm not sure what kind of impression this girl's sleepy look makes (maybe she was going for 'bedroom eyes').

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