Thursday, March 11, 2010
$ingle lady #2 meets adults
Conversation flows from work to wedding to fear of small children to...eHarmony! Let me tell you - the married peeps loooooved hearing about online dating. The husband was all "what happens first?...then what?...then what?...fascinating!!" I brought up some points during the convo that I was very proud of, and that I hadn't put into words until last night. Examples include:
All of the boys ask you the SAME multiple choice questions. And all are an attempt to find out if you are a) clingy, and b) are going to make them do crap they don't want to do. I am always always asked the following:
-Which would you rather do on a Saturday night: Sporting event, ballet, dance club, stay home
-If I brought you to a party, would you: stay by my side, sit in the corner, strike out and make friends?
-Which of the following would you rather date: someone super busy, sometimes busy, always available
-How much personal space do you require: none, one night a week, equal together and alone time
Match after match, I always get these questions. Sometimes I just write in my own answer to the last question and say that I require mandatory hip-connection surgery after two dates. Like, relax, I'll leave you alone.
My next epiphany was the following analogy: Men on eHarmony are like clothes that are on sale. You know when you go to the department store, and like, EVERYTHING from BCBG is marked down 70% and an extra 30%? And you pull every adorable top and sexy dress just thinking OMG I'm going to buy so much awesome shit and it's all going to be totally free!!
And then you proceed to the dressing room and the first dress doesn't fit quite right...and the second is nice but kind of confused and where on Earth could you wear it? and the third top couldn't cover your boobs if your life depended on it...and then you realize - there's a reason this crap is on sale. No one bought it when it was a new arrival. It sadly sat on the rack and now they just want you to take it away to make room for the Spring collection. Wah. And you walk out with nothing.
Well, I think that maybe there is a reason these guys are on eH. Maybe they look cute on the hanger, or seem like a great deal. And I'm sure there is that one great guy if you are really diligent and scour the racks. But, something is just a tad off about them, and that is the reason they have yet to be purchased.
$ingle Lady #1: Pleather and $peed Dating
In an effort to spice things up, a few friends and I are trying out the $peed dating cycle – what may become the evolution of online dating. Sadly, there’s an age requirement of 25, so we all had to lie. Then, we panicked because we’re concerned they’re going to check IDs. Fortunately, I still have my fake procured from a sketch basement bong/ID "store" in Toronto when I was 18, so I put in my birthday in the year 1982 (do the math), and requested my sister bring it to me from its hiding place in my childhood bedroom. Must relearn my zip code and re-Google my astrological sign in case the bouncer quizzes me. Stay tuned for three weeks, but in the meantime, check out:
Lawyerboy confirmed our impending Date #4 last night. He gets a huge thumbs up from every dood I work with since he’s taking me to Dave and Buster$ for a night of competitive arcade gaming. I told him I’m crafting my strategy. He told me he’s on to my “look pretty to distract him” move so don’t bother. [Insert awwwww here]. Sarah, book your tickets now and start practicing!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
$ingle lady #6 - Communication Fail
Why are all my matches stalling at this stage? Is it because my questions are too wonky, or because my answers were overeager? Was I too excited when I told them that although it's cliche, I just love to travel, and that I think "rollerblading on the beach" sounds impossible to do? Is it because I answered Hilarious Michael after I had had a few beers on Friday night and scared him off? (Don't worry, I was supervised.)
Either way, both the semi-decent looking matches and the weird ones I just figured I would humor are all giving me the silent treatment. My "communicating" page has eight people listed as "waiting for response." I'm getting sad. This springlike weather makes me want to go drink on a patio with some new handsome stranger, and it's just not happening.
I know I need to calm down. The other $ingle ladiez had to wait a while before getting a great match and even getting a solid date. I'm just impatient. I want to send sassy and witty e-mails with strangers to make myself feel loved. Wah.
Somebody talk to me, please!,
P.S. I too got paired $L2's friends' roommate.
P.P.S. I too was once romantically involved with him.
$ingle lady #4: just OK
$ingle lady #2 and the work trip
So, yeah, I'm out of town for work. BUT I'm also staying with my wonderful friend and we are having a lesbian-good-time. AND this weekend I have a bridal shower and bachelorette party. So if the CC flame fizzles, I'll get over it. After all, he's not packing me delicious lunches including greek yogurt and Yodels (apparently they are called Swiss Rolls when you aren't from NJ) or cooking me salmon with butternut squash for lovely host is doing these things.
However since CC did take me to two dinners (and pay for me), I told him that I owed him a delicious dinner. He said he would hold me to it, so we'll see. I hope I get the opportunity to play Giada and prance around in my apron...maybe I'll even make $L#6's fifth date chicken!
Loving my temporary window office,
$ingle Lady #1 and the lost art of the phone call
1) I live in NYC. It's loud, literally everywhere. I sometimes can't hear even in my apartment, particularly at 3 am on garbage night(s).
2) You can't winky face in a phone call. Hard as I try...
3) I keep odd hours, since I'm really a vampire. I don't really sleep a lot so it's likely that my free phone time is between 10 pm and 1 am, and 6 am and 8 am...and only if you're willing to chat while I'm on the treadmill or have DVR on silent in the background.
However, because of the onslaught of texting, the phone call, and especially the voicemail, has become a lost art. In general, I'm a very skilled voicemail leaver. Most of my workday is spent on the phone, receiving and leaving voicemails for clients and sales reps. It's a source of pride.
Enter Monday night, with a missed call from lawyerboy. Perfectly orchestrated vm asking about my day, giving breezy details on his, and requesting date #4. Well balanced between actual conversation starters and actionable plan making, I must admit, I was impressed, but then I remembered that he's a real grown up so of course he knows how to leave a good voicemail. Cell phones weren't even invented yet in his impressionable youth when one learns etiquette. Of course, as the mature adult I am, I responded via text (defense: still at the office) that I was just leaving and needed to go work out and my phone was dying (truth and truth), but that I would call him Tuesday. Then, got home, realized the gym was a crazy idea, charged my phone, and decided I didn't want to make a liar out of myself (because he would definitely remember that I said I was going to work out and ask me how it went, and anyone who knows me knows I'm a TERRIBLE liar). So I called and left definitely the worst voicemail of my entire life. For some reason, I was totally flustered and really just stammered out three sentences and hung up.
Now I'm in a pickle (ooo this is a lonnnng post today!). I talked out of both sides of my mouth and it came back to bite me in the a$$. I said I'd call him tomorrow (in writing! and he's a lawyer!) but then called that night. Was I still on the hook to call the next day? In the holy words of the $ingle Ladies goddess, Blair Waldorf, "Everybody needs to play games." (PS. thank goodness GG is back!!) Therefore, I can't make two unanswered reachouts of communication. Ugh.
Editor's Note: This was a two-day entry. Meanwhile, last night, he did call. We chatted (I even paused 16 & Pregnant instead of just putting it on mute...a courtesy I don't always even extend to my parents [sorry Mom]) and made dinner plans for Sunday. I even admitted that I had a good day and my reward was a dinner of Spaghettios and Butterfinger ice cream. He's pumped that he's now in possession of the knowledge that I'm a cheap date.
Monday, March 8, 2010
$L#6 hates traffic and blizzards and girlfriends
My life follows a few rules:
1. If I buy something, it will immediately go on sale. [Also in this category: If I change lanes on the highway, the other will go faster; If I go one way to avoid traffic, the other route will spontaneously burst into flames or something; If I set my alarm really early to get up and be productive, I'll forget to turn it on.]
2. If I plan a trip somewhere fun, it will blizzard in departure location and get canceled. [Or, If I go to Miami, it will rain and be cloudy for the only five days of the year it is ever rainy and cloudy there.]
3. If I like you, you have a girlfriend.
4. If you like me, you have a girlfriend.
5. If I get invited to do something fun, there is a 100% chance that I will also get invited to do something else fun on that same day. And I won't be able to go. And I also won't have anything else on my calendar, at all, for the preceding and subsequent six months.
I was hoping to add my namesake's number 6 to this list: If I sign up for online dating, I will meet the man of my dreams in a bar and therefore have wasted my hard-earned money.
Well, no such luck in this first weekend; I succeeded only in again falling in love with someone who has a girlfriend. Shocker!
My eHarmz updates: I went on a closing spree and closed all the matches I knew I wouldn't be interested in and was too lazy to continue pleasantries with. Someone closed me and I was offended even though he had some dealbreakers in his profile because like, wtf? I am playing question game with a few people but still think eHarmony is holding out on some sweet matches for me that it is saving for a rainy day. I am being actively ignored by people that $L2 has already dated and I'm getting impatient.
Ever the optimist, there's still plenty of time,
$ingle Lady #4 also thinks boys are weird
I'm going to join $L 2 in her boy venting session since I encountered a similar confusing boy situation this weekend myself. And I definitely am in agreement that they are WEIRD.
So before I joined this whole eHarmz experiment, we shall say that I was hanging out with this boy. Let's nickname him W. Incidentally we went to the same college, but never really crossed paths and met this fall through a friend. It was nothing serious, but he did take me out and I was under the assumption that there was something going on and there was some form of feelings involved. We talked all the time and on a daily basis. Things were going fine until I went to Canada about a month ago for work, then things started to get weird.
So I left for Canada on a Sunday, and spoke with him on Monday morning before work. Then Monday night I waited around for the usual bbm to come in. It never came. This may seem like an overreaction to some people, but for the amount of time we spent talking and the frequency of it, this was definitely unusual. So I tried to play it cool and not be the crazy-girl and so I waited on Tuesday for the bbm to come. It never came. So for the rest of the week I didn't hear from him and was racking my brain trying to figure out what had changed in the span of 12 hours on Monday when I had last talked to him. So then the ignoring game continued for the next couple of WEEKS. Part of me was saying to forget about it, since I am usually not one to chase after a boy. But another part of me really liked him and wanted to find out why I was being ignored.
So I decided to be bold and write him an email (since I had deleted his number out of my phone, my thumbs do crazy things when I've been drinking), after much consultation with other $ingle ladies. Good thing I never got around to writing the email because he ended up reaching out to me. The conversation went something like this:
W: So you've been MIA lately
$L4: uh, likewise
W: What?? No way
CLEARLY we haven't spoken in a number of weeks, and this tells me that he wasn't exactly racking his brain trying to figure out why this was happening (unlike someone else). So then following the reunion conversation we exchanged some messages back and forth but something was noticeably off. Things just were not the way they used to be. I tried to resume our usual bbm convos, but he was not very talkative and I felt like I was bothering him. This is usually when I back off, since its clear man code that he's just not interested. So this weekend I was supposed to go to this St. Patrick's event with the friend who initially introduced us, figuring that W would be there as well. We had also talked about it earlier in the week, but more in the context that he was not including me in his plans.
So Saturday rolls around and we start formulating plans about what time we are going. Again, he was being very vague and not talkative. The friend also was not helpful and wasn't sure when they were heading over. In the end I never ended up hearing from either of them and just wrote it off as a lost cause. Luckily I had other things to keep this $ingle lady busy, so it wasn't completely a waste of a day. But then W had the nerve, at around 7pm, to bbm me asking me if I was at the event. SERIOUSLY? I am not one to travel as a one-woman wolfpack, so its not like I was going to show up to this event, completely alone, and wander around trying to find them. I replied: '? I never heard from you guys?', to which he said "pfff please." This just set me off, the crazy girl was unfortunately coming out at this point. So I responded 'what was I supposed to do' and also a snide 'whatever, I can take a hint.' Playing the dumb boy card he just responded with a 'what?' and that was the end of communication.
I am still at a loss for what changed the way he was acting towards me and usually I wouldn't care but I was really starting to like W a lot, so it just bums me out that I don't know. I am trying to distract myself with the prospect of Leo in hopes that he is actually a promising match. I didn't hear from him since I canceled on him, so I was proactive and sent him a text trying to reschedule for this week. He said I was cute haha. But we are trying to make this long awaited date happen this week. At this point I should probably be cautious and not mention which day it is in case I need to flake on him for some reason.
Sidenote, the new matches I am being provided (all 3 of them) are nothing promising. I feel too creepy requesting their picture, but there has to be a reason why I am requesting it in the first place: one word, woof. If you don't think you are attractive in your photo, why try to hide it and lie to your matches. I received another match with a foreign/undecipherable language in it. I've received several invites to direct eH email and I'm ok with this, just as long as you don't have a creepy opening line. Both matches have failed MISERABLY on this front. See below:
You have a great smile.
I'm looking to meet someone who can make me laugh. That's the one thing I enjoy more than anything ;)
I'm independent and free. I love learning and traveling. Recently I started taking helicopter pilot training just because I've never been in a helicopter before .
Sometimes I wake up and Just jump on a plane to somewhere I've never been just to see what happens.
This summer i'm making time to really enjoy myself. Working less and spending more time with the people that are important to me.
If you want to chat, you know where to find me.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
$ingle lady #2 thinks boys are mad weird
$ingle Lady #1
Enter eHarmz. For a site insistent on its ability to match you with your soul mate they are quick to drop another Mr. Right on you when your Mr. Right Now doesn't work out. Every few days, like clockwork, I get my 5-10 new match emails. Meet Him Now! Hurry, before another girl snatches him up!!
Now I'm a big, big offender of the over thinking, obsessive female behavior that $ingle ladies exhibit when they meet and get involved with a (hopefully) $ingle dood. However, I'm not over thinking this current situation. It may appear so to an outsider, especially my poor boss who listens to my daily status (usually with an impressive amount of faux interest), but in truth, while I have an amazing time on the dates, I'm not thinking too much about him in between. I hope it works out, but no harm no foul if it doesn't.
Shocking, because according to lawyerboy, most of the girls on eHarmz are of a particularly crazy variety, but maybe it's the cure?
Ok, ok, a quite little update on the Date. Went to a v. cute Italian restaurant very close to my apt, shared a lot of wine and good conversation, and found ourselves still sitting there 4 hours later. See, told you good and stable dates are boring to read about!