Saturday, February 13, 2010

Best Valentine's Day card, ever

$ingle lady #2's friends know her too well...check out this V-Day card that is off the meat rack:

Love is in the air!

Friday, February 12, 2010

$iNgLe LaDy #5 (we gotz another one!)

Hello Readers!

I am $ingle Lady numero cinco. After seeing an email from eHarmony informing me of free communication, I took it as a sign to enter the dating world. Also, as I informed $L #2, being $L #5 had such a lovely ring to it and I could milk various phrases including the number five in my witty posts. Thus, when I saw there was a new SL, I jumped on my chance at becoming #5.

So here is a little about myself: I went to college in the south and moved to Washington D.C. where I spent 3 lovely years working at one of the big 4 accounting firms. I like to call this period of my life College II. I still got ridiculously blacked out, while maintaing a healthy balance of work and play. However, going out in big groups that include male friends that like to dance with you only to attract their own $ingle lady, while getting crushed to the point where full sentences can not be formed doesn't quite attract potential boyfriends. However, after 3 years, I decided to move back to my home turf- CHICAGO where most of my family and high school friends still reside.

To my dismay, a lot has changed since highschool and I could no longer rely on my high school BFFs to go the bars and go where the night took us. With significant others and other responsibilities such as obtaining a law degree and teaching high school teens, it appeared I was flying solo and no longer had my partners in crime. That being said, I'm investing my time in finding a boyfriend/potential husband???? Ok I won't get ahead of myself. I guess I just need someone to hangout with and since I already have a sister/mother who hang out and shop with me, I might as well find someone I can hang out and makeout with at the same time... ENTER eHarmz.

Tonight I will create my profile and begin a weekend of communication with potential suitors. LeT tHe GaMe$ begin!

Yours Truely,

$iNgLe LaDy 5

NEW $ingle lady on the block

hello blog world. i guess i am the newest $ingle lady, as i have just completed the online eH survey. being alone in a hotel room for 6 nights may do it, or being in rural toronto, but after a stressful day at work, the free communication weekend commercial caught my attention. i have been avidly keeping up with the other $ingle ladies, and after breaking up with a boyfriend last year and not having much success in the dating world as of late, i wanted to join the experiment.
a little about me, i hail from the north, went to college in the south, and currently work as an accountant (thrilling bar pick-up, NOT). my recent dates have occurred after an all-day flip cup tournament, after an all day drinking fest, the trend continues.... i guess i just want some normalcy or perhaps a boy(friend) out of all of this. i guess i am mostly just curious to see what happens. this probably isnt the best time of year for me to be testing this all out, as it is tax season, but recent events have pointed me towards trying it out.
this eHarmony survey was hilarious by the way.
"how do you rate your personal sexiness?"
-i.e. are you really willing to admit that you are hot?
"do you regularly read the side effect of medication that you take?"
- i.e. are you taking crazy pills and thats why you joined this site? slash, are you on birth control? just in case i want to take this online dating to the next level with you
to my surprise i immediately had 7 matches! we have Judd (obviously the unique name out of the bunch), joe, brian, andrew, charles, leo (?), and nick. i read through a few of the profiles and they seem to be relatively normal thus far. even one accountant! possibly to share my love of debits and credits. and all within the city, like $ingle lady #1 i tend to discriminate based on geography. and i do not want a geographically challenged match.
i realized some immediate profile turn-offs:
- excessive exclamation points!!!!
- smiley faces :) :)
- words that do not exist "niceness" "smartness"
- people who probably give themselves more credit than they deserve "what do you wish people noticed more about you? - my big heart" "the man behind the mask" - what does this even mean??
- please do not include your zodiac sign. i do not care, nor do i know what it even means
- your life quote should never be "if life gives you lemons, you make lemonade." speaks VOLUMES right there.
- bad spelling. enough said.
Brian however had my favorite responses, and most unique thus far. Here is a brief summary...
- he is thankful for Phosphorescence. um what.
- he wishes that people would notice that his middle toe is longer than his big toe. again, what.
- he cannot live without the following:
  • My ficus tree.
  • Black socks.
  • My brother's highschool track jacket.
  • My serape.
  • My can of Florida Sunshine.
  • me too, totally.
    - in his leisure time, Brian likes to lollygag.
    - only brian's friends know that he drinks apple cider vinegar before he goes to bed
    i managed to catch the free communication weekend on day #1 so we will see what the rest of this weekend holds and if it is worth forking over the money to fully participate in this grand experiment. more to come from the newest single lady hopefully...

    Thursday, February 11, 2010

    $ingle lady #2: College is over, grow up


    Guys who went to little private colleges, swarming with good-looking people ready to make out the drop of a hat, have much to learn. My college was like this as well, and everyone used to joke that no one dated there. People would drunkenly get together at parties, and somehow this morphed into hanging out sober, and eventually you were in a Facebook relationship. But there were never, ever, dates, unless you counted traveling hungover to the dining hall together.

    A few months ago I met a boy from a college like this on whom I had a tiny crush. I discovered pretty quickly that we were destined to be only friends, as he had just broken up with someone of 6 years from college who I can only assume became girlfriend status through the method described above. He didn't want a girlfriend, and that was fine with me - friends we would be. We text occasionally, email here and there, see each other at parties, and that's it.

    Last night circa 1am he says to me via text:

    Him:What are you doing tomorrow night? I have tickets to a Kennedy center event if you want to go. This is not a date. Just friends.
    Him: If you act weird invite is revoked.
    Me: (awaking from slumber, not realizing the rudeness of said text) what time?
    Him: Seven. NO WEIRDNESS.

    Dude, WTF are you talking about? You are a freak, and the only person acting weird. I do not bother you, or try to date you. You are not that awesome. You know that I go on actual dates with other people (which he likes to ask me about). YOU invited ME. Get over yourself. One day you might have to actually take a girl on a date, and I promise you will not burst into flames. WOOF.

    I informed him that despite his super-nice invitation, I'd have to pass.

    Wednesday, February 10, 2010

    $ingle lady #2 meets Arthur (seriously?)

    Usually I just breeze through the "must haves and can't stands" portion of guided communication, but if I were to take it seriously, there are a lot of things that would probably be deal breakers. Here are some of Arthur's (I was prepared to close him based on the name alone, but he's kinda cute...):

    Must Haves:
    • Personal Habits... I must have a partner who maintains high standards of personal hygiene, orderliness, and other personal habits. [Maybe not during a snowstorm...]
    • Relaxed... I must have a partner who is able to forget about money and focus on the important parts of life. [Wait, money is the most important thing in life...]
    • Attractiveness... I must have a partner who is considered "very attractive" by most current standards. [Clearly.]
    • Staying In... I must have a partner who mainly enjoys staying in together and having quiet evenings alone or with close friends. [That's cool, I can usually find a quiet corner at Rumors.]
    Can't Stands:
    • Fiscally Irresponsible... I can't stand someone who is incapable of managing their money. [I only buy Bloomingdales' must haves.]
    • Lazy... I can't stand someone who likes to spend excessive time sleeping, resting or being a "couch potato." [But what if there is a Jersey Shore marathon on??]
    • Flirts... I can't stand someone who constantly flirts with the opposite sex. [Define 'constantly'...]
    I'm pretty sure we're MFEO.


    Tuesday, February 9, 2010

    $ingle lady #2 reevaluates

    A few weeks ago I said I didn't really want a boyfriend and therefore should not be on eHarmony. However, this snow storm(s) is making me reevaluate that statement. So I thought I'd make a pro and con list:

    Reason$ a boyfriend would be sweet:
    1. He could dig my car out of the snow
    2. We could have a magical snow day snuggle session together
    3. He could send me Valentine's Day treats

    Reason$ being a $ingle lady is sweet:
    1. I can do what I want
    2. Boyfriends are a giant disappointment

    Monday, February 8, 2010

    $ingle lady #2 - Snowtorious BIG

    Sorry for being a delinquent poster, but I was away from my computer for a solid 3 days due to Snowtorious BIG 2K10 in DC. By the way, this was a super-fun weekend where I was reminded once again how much I love my $ingle and non$ingle lady and d00d friends. We should get stranded together more often. (My friend L who has a great blog of her own, has more snowy pics).

    Upon returning to my eH page late last night, I found that nothing really earth-shattering had happened in my absence. I had been matched with some ugly-to-average-looking guys, who as usual loved their families and traveling. eH is starting to put me to sleep. I've a few new communications to keep going, one funny guy named Pete but overall ehhhhh. Finding my soul mate is getting kind of boring.

    In other news I brought LB to hang out with some of my friends and he seemed to do okay. Oh, I assume he's no longer mad at me. Sometimes it's hard to remember how to date in a world where I expect people to be in constant textual communication with me just because I am attached to my Blackberry with nothing better to do...this often results in me deciding to purge my phone of boys' phone numbers so that my fingers (which have a mind of their own, especially after a few beers) can't do too much damage. Probably I should just learn some self-control instead, but I know myself too well.


    Single Lady traveling alone…friend? Or foe?

    To the Mexican airport worker, a friend. He skittered over to me as I waited for my parents at baggage claim and asked if I was a model. 1) Plus 5 for a GREAT opening line, and 2) Plus an additional 5 for the sincerity in his voice as he said it, since I haven`t showered in 36 hours, my alarm went off at 5 am after having only slept for 3 1/2 hours so I know there are bags under my tired eyes, I`ve just flown 6 hours, and I`m sweating (profusely) in long pants. I know for a fact I don`t look like a model. Net/net I got a huge pick-me-up for the day and he pointed us to a shorter Immigration line.

    To the first-class flight attendant (steward?), a foe. Flashback two hours to the plane where he was weaving his way through the common folks (me) in the back of the plane handing out those pesky Immigration forms. One per family, going to the HOH. They were short on English language forms so it was quite to his annoyance that all three $ingle ladies in my row each needed their own. I meekly offered to join the family of the woman sitting next to me in an effort to conserve this apparently precious resource, and ended up guiltily handing back my completed form a few rows so passengers could use it as a translator. Note to self-take other family when traveling abroad so as not to piss off the flight crew.

    Overall, a wash. Have spotted exactly one $ingle Dood sitting alone at the hotel bar drinking what looks suspiciously like a Jack and Coke. Pass.

    I did catch an interesting ad in the Continental in-flight magazine advertising an Executive Matchmaking Service dedicated to finding professional men their ideal mate. Men can specify down to the pound exactly what they`re looking for. Women join for free (score!) and as an afterthought post-script are reminded they have the option of declining a date. Thanks. Perhaps my wildest fantasy of marrying an incredibly wealthy businessman and becoming a Kept Woman aren`t so farfetched! Plan to apply on my return flight.

    To the pool!
