Thursday, March 25, 2010

$ingle lady #2's crush of the week, and the small small world that is eH

My lover of the week is named Chaz.* His fave Christmas move is Home Alone 2, he used to live in NYC, is super-cute and wearing a George-Clooney-in-Ocean's-Eleven-suit-with-no-tie in his picture, is 28 and has started his own company. BONUS!

*I've been told to stop using real names. I wish his name was Chaz.

We flew through our guided communication, and he writes me an email to say he has "a good feeling about this" and throws out several options for dates this weekend, as well as his email address and number. I email back to say that I'm out of town this weekend, but next week would be an option.

As I anxiously wait to hear back, I decide to do some light stalking now that I have his email address and last name. There he is on Facebook - hmm he graduated from a tiny liberal arts college outside of Philadelphia...I've heard of this before...and we have a friend in common! Who could it be?? Can you guess??

Yes, cookie crisp. Is this for real? Shoot I hope they fight over me.


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