Friday, March 5, 2010

$L6 competes with $L2 for the five eligible men in DC on eHarm

Hello, readers. I'd like to start by apologizing immediately for adding yet another number to this mix of fantabulous $ingle ladiez. I can barely keep them straight as a loyal reader so I imagine this might make things tough. Fittingly, my favorite number is 6, my birthday is 6/6, and my goal will be to go on 6 dates before my 3 months and $120 have run out. [I made a Lenten promise to Jesus to go on a date by Easter, so that was the impetus of my spur-of-the-moment decision.]

I have my own blog, which I'll shamelessly plug often ( However, my parents read that blog, and the other day I made a reference to getting a boy in your pants with this delicious chicken recipe and my mom said "Please take that down, honey." You see why I need another forum to let my honesty shine through, right?

Some things you should know about me:

1. I joined eH yesterday and already have been matched with the same doods as $L2. I can't wait to compare notes.
2. It's really hard for me to remember to turn S's into dollar signs. I'm an editor, so secretly this causes a genuine feeling of unease in my soul.
3. I've never been on a real date in my life. The thought of meeting a stranger in a bar makes my insides turn inside out and makes me want to swallow a bottle of Pepto Bi$mol.
4. I use my boobs and knowledge of sports as leverage.
5. In 2010 I've been working on doing things that are generally more awesome, wild, and ridiculous than the things I did in 2009. Online dating definitely fits that resolution.

I think that's enough for now. I have 14 matches and no one is yet requesting communication with me after 24 hours. For those of you who suggest I do the first step, I'd just like to say that although I'm currently on a dating site I would still prefer if the boy pursues me (I recognize the ridiculousness of that statement). I'll wait until Sunday and then do one of these weird "ice breaker" thingies.

My foray into online dating has but one goal: To get me on a real date. I would hate to turn 25 this June without ever going on a first date or having a sweet horrible bad dating story to tell my grandchildren when I regale them with the fairy tale that will be "How I Met Your Poppy." No one will ever find me and love me if I'm laying in bed eating Cheez-Itz on a Saturday night, so here we go.


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