Wednesday, February 10, 2010

$ingle lady #2 meets Arthur (seriously?)

Usually I just breeze through the "must haves and can't stands" portion of guided communication, but if I were to take it seriously, there are a lot of things that would probably be deal breakers. Here are some of Arthur's (I was prepared to close him based on the name alone, but he's kinda cute...):

Must Haves:
  • Personal Habits... I must have a partner who maintains high standards of personal hygiene, orderliness, and other personal habits. [Maybe not during a snowstorm...]
  • Relaxed... I must have a partner who is able to forget about money and focus on the important parts of life. [Wait, money is the most important thing in life...]
  • Attractiveness... I must have a partner who is considered "very attractive" by most current standards. [Clearly.]
  • Staying In... I must have a partner who mainly enjoys staying in together and having quiet evenings alone or with close friends. [That's cool, I can usually find a quiet corner at Rumors.]
Can't Stands:
  • Fiscally Irresponsible... I can't stand someone who is incapable of managing their money. [I only buy Bloomingdales' must haves.]
  • Lazy... I can't stand someone who likes to spend excessive time sleeping, resting or being a "couch potato." [But what if there is a Jersey Shore marathon on??]
  • Flirts... I can't stand someone who constantly flirts with the opposite sex. [Define 'constantly'...]
I'm pretty sure we're MFEO.


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