hello blog world. i guess i am the newest $ingle lady, as i have just completed the online eH survey. being alone in a hotel room for 6 nights may do it, or being in rural toronto, but after a stressful day at work, the free communication weekend commercial caught my attention. i have been avidly keeping up with the other $ingle ladies, and after breaking up with a boyfriend last year and not having much success in the dating world as of late, i wanted to join the experiment.
a little about me, i hail from the north, went to college in the south, and currently work as an accountant (thrilling bar pick-up, NOT). my recent dates have occurred after an all-day flip cup tournament, after an all day drinking fest, the trend continues.... i guess i just want some normalcy or perhaps a boy(friend) out of all of this. i guess i am mostly just curious to see what happens. this probably isnt the best time of year for me to be testing this all out, as it is tax season, but recent events have pointed me towards trying it out.
this eHarmony survey was hilarious by the way.
"how do you rate your personal sexiness?"
-i.e. are you really willing to admit that you are hot?
My ficus tree. Black socks. My brother's highschool track jacket. My serape. My can of Florida Sunshine.
-i.e. are you really willing to admit that you are hot?
"do you regularly read the side effect of medication that you take?"
- i.e. are you taking crazy pills and thats why you joined this site? slash, are you on birth control? just in case i want to take this online dating to the next level with you
to my surprise i immediately had 7 matches! we have Judd (obviously the unique name out of the bunch), joe, brian, andrew, charles, leo (?), and nick. i read through a few of the profiles and they seem to be relatively normal thus far. even one accountant! possibly to share my love of debits and credits. and all within the city, like $ingle lady #1 i tend to discriminate based on geography. and i do not want a geographically challenged match.
i realized some immediate profile turn-offs:
- excessive exclamation points!!!!
- smiley faces :) :)
- words that do not exist "niceness" "smartness"
- people who probably give themselves more credit than they deserve "what do you wish people noticed more about you? - my big heart" "the man behind the mask" - what does this even mean??
- please do not include your zodiac sign. i do not care, nor do i know what it even means
- your life quote should never be "if life gives you lemons, you make lemonade." speaks VOLUMES right there.
- bad spelling. enough said.
Brian however had my favorite responses, and most unique thus far. Here is a brief summary...
- he is thankful for Phosphorescence. um what.
- he wishes that people would notice that his middle toe is longer than his big toe. again, what.
- he cannot live without the following:
me too, totally.
- in his leisure time, Brian likes to lollygag.
- only brian's friends know that he drinks apple cider vinegar before he goes to bed
i managed to catch the free communication weekend on day #1 so we will see what the rest of this weekend holds and if it is worth forking over the money to fully participate in this grand experiment. more to come from the newest single lady hopefully...
woo a new $L!!!