Sunday, March 7, 2010

$ingle Lady #1

I've got to hand it to eHarmony. They may just have cured me of being a crazy girl. Almost every girl has her neuroses--whether or not they're willing to admit it out loud. Girl meets Boy. They hook up, or go out. Boy doesn't call (or text, or Facebook message, or bbm, or gchat, or put up a Google "Buzz" status about, what the hell IS that?!). Normally Perfectly Rational Girl starts thinking, "What did I do wrong?" Maybe she talks about it with her friends (or in my case, her friends, her coworkers, the Starbucks barrista, and of course, the worldwide web). Maybe she keeps it pent up in her head, but ladie$, admit it, it's always there. That nagging feeling that things aren't going to work out (even if they are, just 15 minutes after you wanted them to).

Enter eHarmz. For a site insistent on its ability to match you with your soul mate they are quick to drop another Mr. Right on you when your Mr. Right Now doesn't work out. Every few days, like clockwork, I get my 5-10 new match emails. Meet Him Now! Hurry, before another girl snatches him up!!

Now I'm a big, big offender of the over thinking, obsessive female behavior that $ingle ladies exhibit when they meet and get involved with a (hopefully) $ingle dood. However, I'm not over thinking this current situation. It may appear so to an outsider, especially my poor boss who listens to my daily status (usually with an impressive amount of faux interest), but in truth, while I have an amazing time on the dates, I'm not thinking too much about him in between. I hope it works out, but no harm no foul if it doesn't.

Shocking, because according to lawyerboy, most of the girls on eHarmz are of a particularly crazy variety, but maybe it's the cure?

Ok, ok, a quite little update on the Date. Went to a v. cute Italian restaurant very close to my apt, shared a lot of wine and good conversation, and found ourselves still sitting there 4 hours later. See, told you good and stable dates are boring to read about!


1 comment:

  1. $L#1 - am happy lawyerboy is working out! Also, I think of you whenever I buy Dove - which is about once a month.

    Also - this blog is sometimes the best part of my day as I'm writing this godforsaken dissertation proposal - so thanks!!
