Anyway, my date on Thursday with CC was nice. We ate food at a fave restaurant that he selected, he picked me up, he knew the waiters and we got delicious treats for free. We went home, hugged and he said why don't we hang out on Friday night? Okay, I say. The plan is for me to tell him where I am going. I inform him, a few texts are exchanged, but we never meet up. The next day he says sorry, blah blah, what are you doing tonight? I tell him, then no response. Let me tell you - this bothers me. I don't know this boy well. I do not think that we need to spend our weekend together; we probably both have friends we'd rather see. But when it is YOUR idea, and YOU ask me to hang out, and YOU ask me what I'm doing, and then somehow it feels like it was MY idea to tell you what I'm doing and am bothering you, I get annoyed. So, let's just cut the crap.
I'm trying to figure out if this is me, or just a men-are-from-Mars-women-are-from-Venus issue. But I have a serious memory when it comes to boys I like. Watch out - I will remember everything you say. And if you say in passing that it would be fun to do something, or that we "should" hang out, or it "might" be nice to attend X event, I will not forget. I will think that this is a real plan. So maybe I'm crazy. I just like to see a little follow-through. It's fine if you don't want to do anything with me, just don't say you do.
So anyway I think that CC might be slightly strange, since today he followed up with 17 gchats saying "hello hello hello hello" and then disappeared. WTFffFFfF. I don't have time to decode this behavior (okay I probably have time but I don't feel like it).
Please let the Oscars end already,
PS - This weekend I was matched with the roommate of a boy with whom I was previously romantically involved. This is getting to be a giant creep show.
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