Wednesday, March 10, 2010

$ingle lady #6 - Communication Fail

I will die if I allow myself to continue wondering why all of my matches have stalled out in various stages of communication. It's been a couple days since I've "sent my must haves and can't stands" or answered some open-ended (and extremely boring, btw) questions from a match.

Why are all my matches stalling at this stage? Is it because my questions are too wonky, or because my answers were overeager? Was I too excited when I told them that although it's cliche, I just love to travel, and that I think "rollerblading on the beach" sounds impossible to do? Is it because I answered Hilarious Michael after I had had a few beers on Friday night and scared him off? (Don't worry, I was supervised.)

Either way, both the semi-decent looking matches and the weird ones I just figured I would humor are all giving me the silent treatment. My "communicating" page has eight people listed as "waiting for response." I'm getting sad. This springlike weather makes me want to go drink on a patio with some new handsome stranger, and it's just not happening.

I know I need to calm down. The other $ingle ladiez had to wait a while before getting a great match and even getting a solid date. I'm just impatient. I want to send sassy and witty e-mails with strangers to make myself feel loved. Wah.

Somebody talk to me, please!,

P.S. I too got paired $L2's friends' roommate.
P.P.S. I too was once romantically involved with him.

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