Wednesday, March 31, 2010

$ingle lady #2 continued

So, I've been receiving some comments and I will agree that, yes, I should not have offered if I was going to be so weird and hate this boy forever for accepting to stay on my couch rather than man up and take the probably $35 cab ride home.

BUT, I have told this story to three different males on three distinct occasions, and they all told me the same thing: he knew what he was doing. I know, I know, we women don't want to believe when men tell us what other men are thinking. I don't either. But don't shoot the messenger. Here's one convo that luckily took place via gchat so I can show all of you (thanks to coworker CH who has become a loyal AT$L follower):

CH: Yeah, that guy had the game going full on
CH: As in, every step planned
me: you think?
CH: Oh yeah
me: what a creepshow
CH: Including the kiss
It was a test
vanilla = going home to sleep; anything more = going home WITH her
And I'll put $$ the "first eH date" is a crock
me: well I dont think he thought it was vanilla
CH: ha
CH: Well, there you go. Either way, it was a setup
Like in boxing...throwing the jab with your left so you can get them to move into a right hook
CH: You don't 1) live that far out and lose track of the metro, and 2) "forget" your favorite tie
me: well im glad im not crazy
CH: When you take off your tie, you put it with/in your coat...second nature
usually coat over a chair, tie over the coat
It's the order you take them off and just what almost always happens
me: right
CH: No, he's playing you. You've got this one right


  1. a boxing metaphor? that was the first thing to spring to mind?

    and why was a metaphor necessary here, this is pretty straightforward stuff. "you were set up" "got it, thanks for sharing your perspective" end of conversation.

  2. umm because he is my friend and we were talking? jeez comments are getting so salty lately.

  3. ok so interesting perspective from a dood...but my question is still: are you going to at least mail him back his tie? or something? i still feel he should get it back.

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    The Beso Team
