Wednesday, March 24, 2010

$ingle lady #5's BiG NiGhT

So I went on my date last night. Overall I'd rate it an 8 based on the fact that I laughed 75% of it, there were no awkward silences, and he was pretty talkative. He obviously did some light google stalking. Within the first 5 minutes he asked where I went for undergrad, I replied "Richmond" and he responded with "THE SPIDERS! They had a big upset back in 1987." Someone did some homework... Any way whatev he was pretty cute... an 8 on the SPS.

Signs the date went well / Pros of Michael
-He paid
-He gave me a hug at the end
-He touched my leg at least at least four times.
-He likes sports.
-He is Catholic.

Signs the date went not so well / Cons of Michael
-There was no follow-up "Lets do this again!!!"
- I have a small bladder and went to the bathroom twice- 20 minutes
apart. I hope he didn't think I was texting my friends.
- Some how my CPA flashcards became topic of conversation and he
started quizzing me.

So IDK, if he calls sweet. If he doesn't I'll move on. $L2 said no texting "Thanks for last night!" So i'll give myself all day today to act like a 15 year old and then I'm moving on.



  1. But, you were texting your friends...

  2. there is nothing wrong or unappealing with becker cpa review flashcards.

  3. i admitted on my first date that i needed to prove i was still alive by 9 pm or detective stabler would come find him. could be worse...
