Tuesday, March 23, 2010

$L #6's mom rewrites her eHarm profile

So I showed my Mom my eHarm profile, and she was not happy. In fact, Mama edited the crap out of it. The final product turned out to be way better, though, so I'm sharing her wisdom here.

The one thing Laura is most passionate about:

Old: Grammar and vocabulary, Philadelphia sports teams, summertime at the Jersey Shore, friends and family

Mom says: “You have grammar and vocabulary first?! Geez, that scares even me. Do NOT put that as your passion. Even if you are, some boy that doesn’t know his SAT words is going to be intimidated by you. Get that off there.”

New: Philadelphia sports teams, summertime at the Jersey Shore, cooking/grilling


Old: 5′3”

Mom says: Really? You’re only 5′3”? Change that to 5′4” and go to yoga. We’ll stretch you. Wear heels.

New: 5′4”

The one thing Laura wishes MORE people would notice about her is:

Old: That I’m awesome at board games.

Mom says: Hmm, that makes it seem like you stay inside playing Trivial Pursuit at night. Make it more inclusive. More mysterious.

New: That you definitely want me on your team.

The things Laura can’t live without are:


  • breakfast food, especially bacon
  • gchat
  • cheese
  • my DVR
  • dogs

Mom says: “Too many food items! Get that breakfast food off there. Everyone knows you like bacon, let him find that out on his own. Your DVR? No. Gchat? What the hell is gchat? Let’s be more specific, less fatty, and more interesting.”


  • Christmas
  • iTunes
  • golden retrievers
  • the beach
  • cheese

Some additional information Laura wanted you to know is:

Old: If you like the Giants or the Cowboys or the Yankees, we might not get along.

Mom says: “Too exclusive. What if a Giants fan has a nice smile and will buy you flowers?”

New: If you like the Giants or the Cowboys or the Yankees, we might not get along….but we can try.


So, what did I learn from my Mom? Keep it short and sweet. Some detail is good, too much detail is cumbersome. Be honest, but open-minded. Be yourself. Don’t try too hard. And also, Moms are usually right.


  1. I agree with your mom - except for the height?! Why lie! I love being short. Every boy is taller than we.

  2. Moms are always right. Very nicely edited.
