Tuesday, February 2, 2010

$ingle lady #2 lies

To $L#1 - just as an FYI, when I closed Andre for being so pushy with his multiple messages and nudging, I chose "pursuing another relationship" as my reason to get him off my back...just sayin'...

This morning in the shower I had an idea (all my best thinking happens here, as well as outfit planning for the day): I'm going to post my work address on my eH profile next week requesting Valentine's Day deliveries - only for blog material, of course. Probably an unsafe decision, but I'm giggling to myself thinking about getting an 'embarrassing display of white roses' at work from someone who claims their best life skill is creating romance in a relationship...

1 comment:

  1. 1) it's creepy how similar we are. all my best ideas were/will be born in the shower, but i often have to put my genius on hold in order to plan my outfit and minimize the time spent being cold.
    2) publicizing the work address will be totally worth it.
    3) your blog makes me want to blog.
