Sunday, January 31, 2010

$ingle Lady #1: How to get value from eHarmony, let me count the ways...

Where is the value in eHarmony? For a man, particularly of the old-fashioned variety, there's little value (unless, of course, you count the supposed everlasting love that comes with finding your True Match). He pays exorbitantly for his membership, and then pays for (at least the first) dates he goes on. Females have a higher ROI. Yes, we pay for membership, but have an opportunity to make some revenue through free dinners and drinks.

So far, negative value. One month down, zero actual dates had. Probably 80% of my new matches are from New Jersey (and not accessible NJ), so most I'm closing. I typically don't even bother to open them. Today I opened one from New York. His About Me was very descriptive, and included that he's a Sports Editor for a major area newspaper. At what point do I drop my admittedly shallow physical appearance...standards?...and just go out for a good time? I'll admit, while he's 4 inches shorter than me (my dealbreaker), as a sports editor he likely has access to insane tickets, and I considered dating him for that reason. Moral Compasses, never fear, for I closed the match rather than take advantage of him, but the thought did cross my mind...

$ingle Lady #1

1 comment:

  1. So I just caught up. Chris is an attorney? And did you ask if he's close with his mother? Find out, this is very important since he's Italian.
