Friday, January 15, 2010

$ingle Lady #1: Hot or Not

At the third request of “Great pic! Would love to see more photos…” I conceded. I added 5 more Facebook profile photos, mostly close up face shots because, let’s face it, they’re just checking to make sure I’m hot from other angles. I did add one group shot (of my football watching ladies’ holiday card) for a direct height comparison. Yes, I really am 5’10”. One of my photos was rejected. I think I’m showing too much arm.

Apparently, I only look hot in a football jersey. Ryan (“Ronnie,” the first to send that ice breaker, and the one with the profile photo of him hoisting two unwilling females into the air) promptly closed communication, due to “Other,” which, as now a seasoned user of the Close button, I know means “you’re not cute enough for me.” Maybe I should re-think these extra photos…

Wesley, bless his heart, is still holding out that I’ll respond to his emails. It seems to be bad form to just not respond (silly passive-aggressive me!), so I suppose I’ll have to Close communication with him at some point.

$ingle Lady #1

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