Thursday, January 14, 2010

$ingle lady #2: $ynonym$

Let's talk about Andre (just to make sure I didn't learn my lesson from the S incident, I'll continue to write questionably mean posts about my possible lovers). Andre was the only one to send me an "Icebreaker" - love your smile!! Gee thanks, Andre. And he's fast-tracked me to messages, where he mentioned the beautiful smile yet again. He seems cute enough (in approximately 57% of his photos)...but I have some issues with the profile. See if you follow this logic:

The one thing Andre wishes MORE people would notice about him is: How dedicated and passionate I am

One thing that only Andre's best friends know is: How incredibly driven and dedicated I am

Some additional information Andre wanted you to know is: This would take forever

Well jeez Andre, you obviously aren't dedicated and driven enough to finish your incredibly long and taxing eHarmony profile. But thanks for the many bullet points on just how motivated you are.

But as SL#1 mentioned to me today, we are probably going to have to go on some dates soon if we want to keep up our fan base. On an unrelated note, blogging has led me to further understanding of the Cosmo writer. You know how all of their magazine articles always use ridiculous synonyms and euphemisms for your boyfriend or sex (i.e. "your man's package," "your guy's hot spot"). Well it is hard not to seem repetitive: so far I realize that I've called these guys: dudes, my prefect man, possible lovers, potential soul mates...phew, synonym generation is hard work!


un-attached girl II

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