Monday, January 25, 2010

$ingle Lady #1: The Tipping Point & why Southern boys are just so nice

The tipping point - almost every situation has one. The one moment when the tables turn, the switch flips, and there's a greater amount of sand in the bottom of the hourglass than the top. What's the tipping point on eHarmony when it stops being acceptable to "break up" with someone via an "Other" Closed Message, and starts requiring an explanation? While I like to avoid a messy breakup talk as much as the next gal (I prefer a light-hearted, let's-make-this-a-joke-and-end-up-friends "chat" instead), eHarmony is allllll about the communicating, so I presume there is some kind of known etiquette about this.

Leave it to the Southern gentleman to really come through. Dustin (of the Dustin-Alan duo) sent me an email two weeks ago. I replied after what I considered a reasonable amount of time (ok, barely two days) and then, nothing. I did drop the I'm Not So Sure About This Internet Dating Thing paragraph and thought maybe I'd scared him off. Trust me, being docile and cute and letting guys chase me is NOT my strong point. Disappointed, but understanding, I'd almost written him off, then today, he replied. He apologized for not responding, told me he'd started dating someone else and didn't think it was right to be seeing multiple women at once AND even added "(I'm old fashioned; on top of your phobia of meeting guys from online)." HOW CUTE!? I'm planning to cordially wish him the best of luck in his fledgling relationship and move on. In the reasonable amount of two days, of course.

A+ for Dustin.


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