Thursday, March 4, 2010

$L#5's wishes are granted

So I am probably the laziest person on the face of the earth so I was pleasantly satisfied when I got an email request from Michael who rates an 8 on the SPS (slam piece scale). He said he thought eH's guided communication was awkward and wanted to know what I was up to this weekend/if I was up for getting a dRiNk. Looks like I AM participating in DW2k10! But hold the phone... I'm really scared. This is going to be totally awkward and I'm sweating in my desk chair thinking about it. OMG I'm probably going to pregame it and then over do it and be a drunk slob kabob. UGH. Also, I think I'm falling in love more and more with work buddy.

On a side note slightly related to SPS, I was listening to the radio during my morning commute and the DJ's were discussing how $L's should settle for say 7/8's and not look for that perfect 10. Their points were pretty valid which included there are NO $ingle Doods that are PERFECT 10s. Also if you are picky in your twenties, searching for that 10, you'll over look the 7/8s.... you'll enter your 30's /40's (omg i'm already stressing) and the only ones who will even look your way are 4/5's. Long story short... $Ls: there are plenty of decent $D out there that you can bring home to mom and dad... just stop being so darn picky.

And $L 4- if he's worth it, he'll understand your busy schedule and give you a second chance.

Happy Thursday,

Positive Polly $L5

1 comment:

  1. Appropriate number of drinks to have predate: 1.5
    Appropriate number of drinks to have ON date: 2-3
    Appropriate number of drinks to have before you blog about it: at least 2 more

    Looks liks $L5 is going to be hungoverrrrrrr!

    Also, I refuse to settle. So there.
